When an officer comes in with a prisoner he will either walk them in using door #36, which enters directly into our sallyport, or pull up to the intercom and advise us of his agency, prisoner, and if he will be using the intoxilizer machine. Our main control operator will then open the sallyport door and allow the officer to pull his vehicle in.
The Intoxilizer machine is used in DUI arrests to determine the amount of alcohol you have in your system. This is also known as the Breathalizer or B.A. machine.
Prisoners are then brought into the Booking area to be processed by the arresting officer and Deputies. For safety and security reasons only three officers and their prisoners are allowed in the booking area at a time. Prisoner information is then booked in the computer and photographs are taken.
If a prisoner has drug or alcohol involvement they have to be placed in a detox cell for a minimum of five hours or a maximum of eight. There are two big observation cells and six small observation cells in our detox area. These cells are also used for medical and disiplinary observation.
After processing, inmates are printed on our Motorola Livescan fingerprint machine. The fingerprints taken can help identify past charges that the inmate has been printed on and even help solve cases where no one had been charged with the crime.
Our main control room is the nerve center of the facility. From this control room the Deputy can monitor inside and outside of the jail by camera and intercom speakers. The main control room is the most secure area in the jail. The door remains locked unless a Deputy has to enter or exit. All entry into or out of the jail or any opening of the cell doors is controled by the main control Deputy.
Warren County Regional Jail
920 Kentucky St.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: 270-843-4606 Fax: 270-843-5317